Apr 132011

The Running Brothers: Part 1 will be released at 12:01 AM Friday morning.  We had to break the movie down into two parts because it was too long.  The movie, seen by a select few, has received high praise thus far.  Just listen to the rave reviews of our critics.

“That was a funny movie.” – Grandma

“It looked like you guys had fun.” – Dad

“Hahahahaha.” – Mom

“A great movie.” – Sister

“I haven’t laughted that hard in a long time.” – Dusty

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought.” – Cindy

Be prepared for one of the greatest movie events of 2011 with the opening of The Running Brothers.  The movie will not be shown in theaters and will only be available to those who visit our website, www.TheRunningBrothers.com.  See you at one minute after midnight on Thursday.

Apr 112011

We premiered our first Running Brothers Movie and it was a smashing success.  The release of our movie is still a few days away, but the editing and sound in the film are award worthy and while the acting may be sub-par, the story line is killer.  If you want, you can check out our screen play to the movie in a previous post.  Although we did ad-lib from time to time, for the most part we kept to the script. 

We’re excited to show you all our film, but it’s going to take us a couple of days in preparation to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch.

Apr 092011

Recently, completer of 14 marathons and our uncle, Steve Jaros wrote an article entitled, “How to Cure Runner’s Knee.”  We asked him to write this article because after running my first half-marathon, my knee’s were killing me.  I knew that I would have to do something to insure that a similar situation didn’t arise again in the future.

I want to highlight the tips that he recommended so that it will help to reinforce myself in becoming a more intelligent and less likely to be injured runner.  Uncle Steve says that any injury below the waste can be contributed to wearing the wrong shoes, which I find fascinating.  If that’s the case then I definitely need to get me some new shoes.

Increases in distances and pacing should be methodically planned out and that their is no need to push yourself in training as over-enthusiasm often leads to injury.  I can definitely say that I was not ready to run the half-marathon.  He also says it takes over 6 months to prepare for a marathon, I can say that I won’t be properly prepared for that either.  Unfortunately, my brother and I became “over-enthusiastic” and know we’ll probably be hurting as a result of it. 

The substance you run on does have an impact on your body.  According to Uncle Steve dirt paths and grass parks are better than macadam and macadam is better than concrete. 

Other good ideas would be to check leg-length discrepancies with a chiropracter; doing leg work-outs at appropriate intervals between slow-long distance workouts and speed workouts; checking your heart rate every morning (if your heart rate jumps significantly it’s a good indicator that you’re training too hard); and use ice and advil anytime you feel even the slightest pain in your body.

Thank you Uncle Steve Jaros for your tips on how to cure runner’s knee.  I need to do everything I can to make sure that my knees will be ready to complete our first marathon . . . in just 24 days.

Apr 062011

In Part 1 of our interview with Peter Engwall, we learned about the man who lost nearly 150 pounds when he decided to change his life for the better.  In Part 2, we are going to learn about Peter Engwall, the man he is today.  Peter has “an amazing wife, and the best son in the entire world!”  And loves coaching his sons baseball and football teams.  He’s a Project Manager for a wireless telecommunications company in Seattle, Washington.  His schedule is extremely busy, but Peter always makes time for his Ironman training.  Peter remains extemely active and we asked him a variety of questions relating to his fitness goals and about his website, http://auggiesdad.sweat365.com/.

As you may recall, Peter began exercising in order to lose weight and quickly discovered that entering himself in endurance events would help him stay focused on the end result of losing weight.  One summer, he decided to sign up for his first Sprint Triathalon.  Four years later he is planning on completing his first Full Ironman in November.  Peter has also set a variety of other goals.  He wants to complete an Olympic Distance race in under three hours and plans on completing his first Full Ironman in the alotted 17 hours.  Lastly, he wants to remain injury free.

Peter’s life has been filled with memorable experiences.  He married his best friend.  He witnessed the birth of his son.  He was on the Oprah Show.  He completed a sprint triathalon.  He completed a half marathon.  And he completed a half Ironman.  As a beginning runner, I know what Peter means when he says that those are memorable moments.  It’s about being able to complete something that once was impossible and being able to accomplish something like that makes anything seem possible.

Training allows you to “get away from it all,” Peter says.  When in training, all your thoughts and worries get focused on your training and it allows you to clear your head.  And for Peter, it has been a surprisingly social activity.  He has met numerous people that he has trained and worked with, including our first hero, Mitch Roberts.  Peter began training with Mitch because he recognized the fact that it was important to find people to train with that are smarter and people to train with that are faster.  I’m not sure which category Mitch falls into, but my guess is that it’s not the smarter one (Just Kidding). 

http://auggiesdad.sweat365.com/ is a place that Peter goes to log his workouts and serves as a reminder to when his next races are scheduled.  He has been able to track his distances through the website and he says it’s great to see his results grow.  His post on http://sweat365.com/blog/2008/05/14/lifestyle-changes-yield-big-results/, is how I learned about Peter losing nearly 150 pounds as a result of his lifestyle change.

Through Peter’s website, he has been able to make many new friends from many different areas.  His favorite websites are http://runningbrothers.com/ (obviously) and http://www.slowtwitch.com/.  He encourages all of you to be yourself and have fun. 

Lastly, Peter believes that every person should make someone else’s life just that much happier.  He recommends that you change the life of someone else for the better.  And I can honestly say that your story, your participation and becoming one of our heroes has changed our lives for the better.

If you would like to learn more about Peter Engwall, please visit his website, http://auggiesdad.sweat365.com/.

Apr 022011
  1. How to Cure Runner’s Knee – An article by Steve Jaros about how to cure runner’s knee.  Steve Jaros has over 50 years of running experience and has completed 14 marathons.  Steve also happens to be our Uncle.  http://runningbrothers.com/789/how-to-cure-runners-knee-by-steve-jaros/
  2. The Running Brothers Movie – We’re making a movie!  Here about our exploits as we are writing, filming and creating our first movie.  http://runningbrothers.com/category/the-running-brothers-movie/
  3. The Post Race Blues – The Post Race Blues hit The Running Brothers hard after their first half marathon.  http://runningbrothers.com/859/the-post-race-blues/
  4. Los Alamitos’ Race on the Base – A series of articles dedicated to our experience at the 2011 Race on the Base.  http://runningbrothers.com/category/events/los-alamitos-race-on-the-base/
  5. Ironman Training – Follow Zeb as he trains for his first marathon.  Take some time to encourage him along the way.  http://runningbrothers.com/category/zeb/ironman-training/
  6. The Integrious Project – Our cousin Beau has his own website devoted to making Integrious a word in the dictionary.  Not only that, but he wants to have people think and act integriously.  Read our article about The Integrious Project. http://runningbrothers.com/875/the-integrious-project/
  7. March 18, My 30th Birthday.  On March 18, 2011, Zeb turned 30.  Find out how his birthday went in the following article.  http://runningbrothers.com/863/march-18-my-30th-birthday/
  8. My 30 Day Plan Until I’m 30.  I had a plan to get into the best shape of my life by the time I was 30.  It didn’t work out completely, but I did get in pretty good shape . . .  http://runningbrothers.com/category/zeb/30-day-plan-until-im-30/
  9. Partying or Training – My brother and I planned on getting some training in on our trip to Vegas for Michael Nunez’s bachelor party . . . How well do you think that worked out?  http://runningbrothers.com/845/partying-or-training/
Mar 312011

My brother and I will be participating in our first marathon in 30 days.  I’m not quite sure how my brother is preparing for the event, but I know that I am going to be devoting a large amount of time to running over the next 30 days.  I want to make sure that I can complete the full marathon running the entire way. 

When we ran the Rose Bowl Half Marathon in February, I completed the entire run, but knew that I would not have lasted any longer.  I actually thought about stopping at around the 11 mile mark, but was able to push through it to continue running.  I knew I only had 2 more miles to go to complete the half marathon.  But, I think mentally I would have stopped knowing that I would have had to run another 15 miles before I could stop. 

I’m excited but nervous about our upcoming marathon.  I know that I will not be as prepared as I would like to be, but I am going to try my best to get in the best shape I can by then.  I am officically starting my marathon training today and would love some company.  If anyone is interested in running daily with me I would be more than happy to have you along.

Mar 222011

My brother and I only had a few minutes to spare when we made it to the starting line.  My parents, sister and good friend, Dusty Edwards were there for support.  They got in positions with their cameras and my brother and I pretended to stretch prior to the race.  The starting pistol went off and the race was underway.  I immediately pushed my brother to knock him off-balance so that I could have a clear path ahead.  From that point on, I never looked back. 

I felt like I was keeping a really good pace, passing people left and right.  Although, I began to tire after about the second mile and the last mile was a bit of a struggle as people began passing me telling me to keep going . . . I guess I looked like I was about to keel over or something. 

I made it into the staging area and was well ahead of most of the runners, I quickly gathered my bike and sped off in my brand new Cannondale bicycle.

Mar 152011

When I completed The Rose Bowl Half-Marathon, I was stoked. I had such a good time and was proud that I was able to complete the entire course without ever having even come close to running that kind of distance before. After the race; however, it was a different story. My knees were killing me and I could barely walk let alone train for anything.

That is when the Post Race Blues grabbed a hold of me. I became extremely depressed and questioned everything I was doing from my business to my friends and family. It was a time of self-reflection, but boy it hit me hard. My brother mentioned the post race blues in one of his articles which got me wondering if other athletes experienced the same things. Turns out many of them do.

One google search provided a plethora of articles about the Post Race Blues which is highly common. Many people attributed it to the accomplishment of a goal and then having to decide what the next goal should be, but for me this wasn’t the case. Because I had no idea that I would be running a half marathon until just a few hours before the event.

Many people attribute the post race blues to the reactions in your body that accompany the amount of physical exertion that takes place in a run that long, especially when someone is not appropriately trained and this sounds right to me. The post race blues was a difficult time for me, but it only lasted a few days and once my legs began to heal and I was able to get back to my training all was right with the world again.

Jan 252011

Zeb and I have been working very hard toward our goals. We have been running in a new City, resurected an old bike, biked to the beach, had  a professional photoshot, and taken on several local runs. Our sister has also put in a lot of work with our website. We (mostly Zeb) has gotten a lot of followers to our web site. All of this has been great and has happened very fast. I am starting to feel that was the honeymoon period and now we are settling in to the day-to-day of rigerous training.

In response to my brothers post about spamers and auto-bot spamers who leave nonsense comments, I researched spam bots and I found that there is a lot of research and spam bots are actually very sophisicated. They use millions of different IP addresses, which could be hijacked or stolen so you can not block them. It really sounds like a war on spammers by people who are trying to provide information to the public.

Spam bots also automatically scan posts for key words and post to blogs they feel would have would have a more personal connection. So a blog about quilt making should not get spam about male enhancement  pills. Likewise blogs about golfing (typically a male sport) will get more of those spam comments.

I am going to guess the type of spam bot comments this post will genererate:

  1. Wedding planning for the subject line
  2. Vacation oportunities for beach reference
  3. Computer networking solutions for discussions about IP addresses

what list about internet spam would not be complete without the big three:

  1. Male Enhancement for talking about male enhancement spammers
  2. Making Money
  3. Perscription drugs

I think by talking about it makes it more likely to happen but lets see which spam bots find this post.