Jan 182011

In my interview with Mitch Roberts, he made a suggestion to me and our readers, he said “Go Gluten Free.”  When he suggested this I thought I had gone Gluten-free my whole life, because I thought it was referring to the muscle on my rear-end.  Turns out, Mitch was talking about something else entirely.

Gluten-free is a diet, completely free of Gluten.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, malts and triticale.  Mitch said that he did not realize how much Gluten affected him and that by going Gluten free for a time period, he felt much healthier as a result.   He recommended that everyone should try it for at least a week to see how you feel afterwards.  Perhaps later along in the training process I may try to go “Gluten Free” for a week or two. 

Mitch, thanks for the advice and enlightening us all about “Going Gluten Free.”

Jan 152011

Throughout this process of running, and blogging, I knew that I was going to come across new things that I had never encountered before.  In my interview with Mitch Roberts, I came across a new term that was previously unfamiliar to me . . . The Farmers Blow.

In all honesty, I have used this technique before, but did not know that it had a specific name.

If you are unfamiliar, here is a picture . . .

David Beckham Farmers Blow

Yes, Farmers Blow . . . disgusting.  The term refers to plugging up one nostril and blowing out mucus through the other.   Sorry if you planned on eating before reading this, but I had to share my newfound knowledge with you.