Jun 082011

Music and Ipods have become a huge part of training these days and my brother and I have always tried to find the perfect music or podcasts to listen to on our runs.  We post this question to our Twitter followers every once in a while in order to see what other people listen to. 

@TheRoad2WD responded with a blog post that he had written for his website, http://road2warriordash.wordpress.com/.  His blog post on his Ipod selection can be found here, http://road2warriordash.wordpress.com/2011/03/31/the-road-beyond-warrior-dash-its-not-my-fault-you-hate-your-boyfriend/.  It’s quite the collection of music and I would love to generate a comprehensive list of some of the best podcasts and music to listen to while training.  Feel free to add music to our list by commenting on our website.

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