Jan 212011

Our Big Adventure began at 9:15 in the morning at the beginning of the Santa Ana Bike Trail on January 16, 2011.  We knew that we would be in for a long day, but had no idea what the day had in store for us.  The trail is a 30-mile bike ride from Corona to Newport.  My previous long bike ride was just 12 miles.  And, not only that, but we would have to make a return trip to Anaheim, another 17 miles or so.

So, with my newly fixed up bicycle, my brother and I headed to the Pacific Ocean.  Stay tuned for the rest of our 5-part series:  Zeb and Rocky’s Big Adventure.

Here is a website for information about the Santa Ana River Trail – http://www.trailsafetypatrol.com/

  3 Responses to “Zeb and Rocky’s Big Adventure #1”

  1. Great website guys and look forward to the updates on your progress. Two points I’d like to add for the runner parts of you.

    1. If you ever need any tips or help with training for any distance feel free to ge a hold of me. I’ve got 14 marathons under my belt with 6 under 2hr 40 mins (PR was 2:38:09 almost 6 min pace in Philly back in 1983). Also ran track and Xcontry at U of Michigan with a 1:51 half mile as my best in college.

    2. As for Rocky’s earlier post I just read about the “4 minute mile” attempt. Did you not mean 5 min mile? 75 sec per lap will yield a 5 min mile but you need 60 secs per lap for the renowned “4 minute mile” which is close to world clas running. Just to clear things up a bit.

    So good luck dudes on your training. Use me as a resource if needed as I only wish I could go the distance with you guys today. Cheers, Steve

    • Unncle Steve, I am talking about a “4 minute mile” but when I say 4 minutes I just want minute to be in the 4’s. I don’t think I have the natural ability to get the true 4 minute mile. So my actual is 4:59. I guess I can use an asterisk when I say 4 minute mile.

      Thanks for offering up your help. A 2:40 marathon is very impressive!

    • Uncle Steve,

      Thanks, we will definitely be getting a hold of you for some advice from time to time. Maybe we could get you involved in some upcoming features as well.


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