Our recent post about skin care may lead you to think, well as long as I wear sunscreen I am doing everything I can. Well… there are more options that I have found and I hope you can help to provide some more.
Sunscreen: Everyone knows about sunscreen. I have found that anything above SPF 30 doesn’t do much more for me than the lower SPF stuff. I really like the new spray sunscreens because they don’t run in to my eyes and dont make my hands feel slimey.
Protective Clothing– Several companies specialize in sun protection clothing. They have come along way it not just long cotton sleeves, these shirts are sophisicated. Coolibar is a company that specialized in sun pretective cloathing. I only have one Columbia shirt that is meant for sun protective athletes and I really like it, it breathes great and I look pretty good in it. But now that I know about Coolibar I think that would be a good recommendation when people ask me what I want for my birthday. Apparently, they even have swim sunprotective clothing. Us pale skinned folks thank companies like Coolibar.
Laundry Detergent– Some companies are making an additive to add to your laundry to increase your clothings sun protectiveness. CRAZY! I have never tried this but it sound interesting.
What other methods do you have for protecting your skin, can you provide our readers with some other options?