Rocky and Zeb are eating breakfast . . . and either reading a newspaper or searching for news on the Internet when they come across a news article about the Race of the Century.
Zeb: What are you eating, Rocky?
Rocky: Whipped cream, with what looks like chocolate chips in it.
Zeb: Rocky, that’s mold.
Rocky: Hey Zeb, check this out . . . It say’s it’s the Race of the Century. I think we should do it . . .
Camera shows the article about The Race of the Century.
Zeb: You know Rocky, it’s going to take a lot of hard work and dedication . . . Do you have it in you?
Rocky: Brother, with you by my side, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.
Zeb and Rocky high five each other
Rocky and Zeb are outside doing stretches and training when Johnny and Boris arrive.
Johnny: I bet you guys think you’re going to enter the Race of the Century? Huh?
Boris: Well, unfortunately for you guys we’ll be doing that race too . . . And I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve knocked more people out of races than Mike Tyson’s knocked out over his career.
Johnny and Boris hand explode each other
Johnny: You guys have about as good a chance of winning this race as Charlie Sheen has of staying sober.
Boris: Nice one Johnny!
Johnny and Boris hand explode each other again.
Johnny and Boris: We’re the best and there ain’t nothin better than two hardcore racers and we’re bringin home the cheddar.
Johnny and Boris hand explosion
Zeb: Man, there’s no way we’ll be able to beat those guys.
Rocky: They were pretty intimidating, I mean they had special handshakes, matching outfits and their own rap song . . . Maybe we should just drop out? I mean, it was a stupid idea anyways.
Zeb: Rocky . . . Do you remember what you said to me when we began this whole thing together?
Rocky: Yes, I remember, I was eating whipped cream with mold in it . . . very funny . . . I thought we were over that by now.
Zeb: No, brother, you said that as long as I was by your side that their wasn’t anything we couldn’t accomplish . . . together.
Rocky: Oh yeah, I remember . . .
Zeb: Let’s make a pact, here and now . . . we will always be by each others sides, but we need a name . . . for the two of us . . . that people will remember us by for years to come.
Rocky and Zeb remain deep in thought
Rocky: I’ve got it! You’re my brother
Zeb: Yeah
Rocky: And we’re entering the big race
Zeb: Yeah
Rocky: And we’ll be doing a lot of running in this race.
Zeb: Yeah
Rocky: Let’s call ourselves . . . The Running Brothers
Zeb: The Running Brothers . . . genius . . . Where do you come up with this stuff, bro?
Zeb and Rocky: Let’s train!
Zeb and Rocky super excited high five
Training sequence preferably around some kind of childrens play ground . . . where we fail at everything, but we’re always there to push the other one along . . . eventually we do well at everything and have a Rocky moment somewhere.
Rocky comes to Zeb the night before the race inside their home . . .
Rocky: I don’t know if our training will be enough . . . You know how Johnny and Boris wore the same clothes and even had that intimidating catch phrase? And their super cool handshakes? Well, I figured we could use some intimidation of our own.
Rocky hands Zeb The Running Brothers t-shirt
Zeb: No way . . . those are the coolest things ever!!! And you’re right . . . I been thinking about that catch phrase all night long . . .
Zeb whispers in Rocky’s ear
Rocky: Are you serious?
Zeb: And I’ve got a great idea for our handshake . . .
Off-screen handshake commences
Rocky: Are you serious? . . . . Those are the two most intimidating things I’ve ever seen . . .
Zeb: I know, right?
Rocky: Those guys are going to wet their pants tomorrow when they see us.
Zeb and Rocky are outside preparing for the race when they run into Johnny and Boris
Boris: So, you thought you could challenge us . . . eh, losers?
Johnny: Oh look, how cute, they have matching outfits.
Boris: Yeah, did you guys call each other before you were going out to see what to wear?
Boris and Johnny handshake explosion
Johnny: I wouldn’t be surprised if you fainted faster than a 14 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert.
Boris and Johnny hand explosion
Zeb: Oh yeah, well, I bet we could run faster than a donut eating, coffee drinking police officer chasing after a Kenyan marathon runner.
Rocky: Yeah, and we’ll see who’s the best, when we dominate you like dominos dominates pizza.
Zeb and Rocky perform super lame handshake
Rocky: The race is about to begin
Zeb: We’ll just see you at the finish line. Or maybe you won’t because you’re going down like the Titanic went down on April 10, 1912.
Rocky: Well, actually it went down on April 14, 1912. It left on it’s voyage on April 10, but didn’t actually go down until April 14.
Zeb: Oh, ok. I stand corrected, but Johnny and Boris, you’re still going down.
Zeb and Rocky: We’re the running brothers and it’s so much fun . . . it makes our races lots of fun. Running brother, you’re the one for me.”
Zeb and Rocky perform super lame handshake
The race begins and the good Rocky and Zeb win the race . . .
Rocky and Zeb are standing next to each other with medals
Rocky: It’s like we said . . . When the Running Brothers are side by side, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.
Zeb and Rocky: Go Running Brothers!!!
A super high five at the end with a freeze frame at the high five point
the freeze frame high five is a keeper. i’ll think on some additions…
that’s mold
so it is
have a look at this (hands him the paper)
lindsey lohan in court again? i mean, seriously, what is the deal with-
no, moron. here. the race of the century
oh yes yes the race of the century
Thank you Lacey Welborn for your script . . . I will incorporate the work tonight at midnight.
Zeb and Rocky are stretching while preparing for a
race. Johnny and Boris see them from a short
distance. Johnny taps Boris
Hey, check out these losers.
As Boris and Johnny approach Zeb and Rocky
Johnny calls out to them.
Oh, hey guys.
What do you want?!
You guys stupid enough to think you’re
going to win this race?
Zeb shakes his head.
Oh look, how cute, they have matching
Did you two call each other this morning
so you would know what to wear?
Evil handshake explosion.
You guys aren’t going to win this race.
You guys probably won’t even finish.
Haha, yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised
if you two fainted faster then a
couple of 14 year old girls at a
Justin Bieber Concert.
Both sing “Baby baby baby oh” while doing Evil
handshake explosion.
Actually we probably won’t win. But we
But but but… but what? You’re a loser
and so is your loser brother. I don’t
know why you guys even try.
Do you guys think anyone cares about
this dumb stuff you’re doing? They
Oh yeah well, I bet we’ll at least have
more endurance than… than a policeman
who… witnesses a crime bing committed
while he’s in a donut shop.
Rocky face palms. Zeb smacks him and gives him a
look as if you say, you try. Johnny and Boris laugh
You know what, We’ll see who’s the best
when we dominate you like dominos
dominates pizza.
Zeb and Rocky do super lame hand explosion.
Johnny and Boris put fingers L’s to their
foreheads and make fart sounds.
Johnny and Boris
You guys should try to be more like us.
Why? So we can play video games all day
and watch crappy tv shows.
Runners are cool.
Yeah, runners that win. Everyone else is
a loser. And guys like you who don’t
even finish are pathetic.
(whispers to Rocky)
Yeah, what if we don’t finish?
(whispers back)
You can’t back out the race is about to
(whispers to Rocky)
I don’t want to look like a pathetic
(whispers to Zeb)
Me neither. Look, if you start lacking
I’ll help motivate you to keep going as
long as you do the same for me.
Then we can help each other finish the
Are, you two losers whispering about
your sunken hopes and dreams over there?
Evil handshake begins, but gets interrupted..
We’ll just see you at the finish line,
or maybe we won’t because you’re going
down like the Titanic went down over 100
years ago.
Zeb and Rocky perform adequate handshake as the
step up to the start line.
Brother, with you by my side I know I
can do this.
Together, we can accomplish anything!
Go Running Brothers!
Zeb and Rocky do slo mo jumping high five.
Johnny and Boris
Evil Zeb and Rocky melt or explode or just
The gun goes off. Zeb and Rocky start the race.
Zeb and Rocky are standing side by side with
You know, I think our biggest obstacle
is ourselves.
That’s a pretty big obstacle, good thing
we have each other.
Zeb puts his arm over Rocky’s shoulder and they
walk off into the sunset reminiscing over todays