Jun 292011

Weekly Amount:

Running = 26 miles
Biking = 82 miles
Swimming = 5000 M or 3 miles
Total Amount: 111 miles

Overall Amount:

Running = 440 miles (730 miles to Seattle)
Biking = 1,442 miles (1,328 miles to New York)
Swimming = 106,000 meters or 62 miles (46 miles to San Diego)
Total = 1,854 miles (916 miles to New York)


Zeb Runs to San Francisco

  2 Responses to “Ironman Training – Week #26”

  1. What time are you aiming for? Event date ? , would like to follow you.

    • It’s a long ways away before I will be ready to do that. I will let you know, but it will probably be a year or so at the least.

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