It’s officially been our first full month online and I wanted to do a sort of roundup of our accomplishments, best stories and the new friends we made along the way.
We ran in San Luis Obispo, we got attacked by a bear, we listened to Pandora, we stretched together, we biked together, we ran together, we did a photoshoot, we fixed up an old bicycle, we broke a fixed up bicycle, we visited the Beach, we rode our bike past the home of the Angels and the Ducks, and our inbox was flooded with spam.
Before I started this training, the longest distance I had ever ran was 3 miles, the longest bike ride was 12 miles and my longest swim was 200 meters, all of which I did last year on Los Alamitos’ Race on the Base. By the end of the month I had traveled more then 136 miles. My longest run is now 6 miles, my longest bike ride is 43 miles and my longest swim is 2.5 miles.
We had an amazing Christmas Photoshoot in our matching track outfits. Everyone really seemed to love them and I can’t blame them. The pictures are nothing short of amazing. Click here to see the best of the best of our Christmas Photoshoot,
We had one guest post by our sister, Lacey Welborn from Here is her post,
We interviewed Mitch Roberts from, here is his interview,
We interviewed Steve Ference,, here is his interview
We added some new running partners:
- Devin Miller
- Donald Lindsley
- Dusty Miller
- Erin Rogers
- Lindsey Miller
- Michael Nunez
- Sydney (Dummy)
We added some new heroes as well:
And although we have always considered these people heroes, we always want to make sure to thank them.
- Mom
- Dad
- Chris Carlson (Thanks for the bike)
We learned some new vocabulary, the Farmer’s Blow, Gluten Free,
My favorite post thus far was a five-part series, Zeb and Rocky’s Big Adventure, about our bike ride from Corona to the beach. If you would like to read about our adventure click here,
Rocky’s favorite post was his article about Pandora, titled Pandora Shame, Oh, how shameful!
January has been a great month for The Running Brothers. Thank you so much for following our adventures.
We are always looking for people to join us in our adventures. If you are interested, email us at, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our RSS feed located at the top, and comment on our posts.
And because you have been so good, we have added a bonus Christmas photo . . . for your viewing pleasure.

Bonus Christmas Photo