Jan 142011

ZebI love to view comments made our posts in order to check out other blogs, one such comment sent me to a series of blogs called Sweat365.  I asked one of these blogger, Mitch Roberts, about his affiliation with Sweat365 and how it works.  According to Mitch, Sweat365 is a social networking blog used to log workouts and connect with other athletes. 

Mitch typically uses Sweat 365 as a way to log all of his times, but occasionaly includes blog posts.  He has made many friends through Sweat365 and actually has kept in contact with other athletes to help motivate each other. 

On his website, mitchr.sweat365.com, Mitch uses several Side Bar Widgets, which can be found on the Dashbord.  He uses Logbook 2 to record the distances for his workouts and a countdown timer set for Cour d’Alene where he plans on completing his next Ironman event.  (Rocky, these look like really cool widgets, we should look into getting some for our page)

Sweat365 looks like a good way to meet others who like to run, bike and swim.  If you plan on running, biking or swimming, it is worth looking into as it’s a community of like-minded individuals who will keep up on their workouts and try to motivate you to keep up on yours.

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