Dec 072010

RockyI am not sure how I feel about myself today. I had an interesting set of circumstances that lead me to think I am one of two people but I am not sure which one. So, here is the question to you, am I 1)a personsal hygine retard or 2) a determined runner.

These options seem pretty apart but let me describe the circumstances. Last night I was simply lazy and didn’t feel like taking a shower, cause I could wake up early and take one before work. After a restful 6 hours of sleep and some misuse of my alarm clocks snooze feature, I was startled from some sweet sleeping at 7:35 am. With an important meeting at 8:00 my plan for a morning shower had to be scrapped. Other activities, a lunch selection of jalapeno laced nachos and a small portable heater used to keep my feet warm at work, lead to a ripening that could not be ignored by 6 pm, Up to this point I am sure you are staying are I should be riding the short bus to personal hygiene school.

But… upon returning home I decided I would need a shower after my run so, why don’t I go for a run then instead of two showers I would only take one. After a high tempo 2.5 mile run I finally took a long overdue shower.

So I leave the vote to you, am I a stinky short bus rider or determined future marathoner?

Dec 072010

ZebOn Sunday, I made the commitment to begin training for the Ironman and today I woke up with a soar throat.  I think sickness is not an illness or a virus, but one of the devil’s agents, a demon.   A demon sent to destroy my will and desire for success.  I wouldn’t call myself religious, but it seems to me that I get sick at innopportune times where I have a goal I want to accomplish and it hinders me in that pursuit.

For example, in High School I was a bench player on the Junior Varsity soccer team and was told the day before that I was going to start the next day.  Excitedly, I ran home and dreamt about my first day playing for the team.  I awoke in the morning to a 100+ degree temperature, while simultaneously visiting the toilet on numerous occasions.

How did that day turn out?

Well, I made it to the soccer game, I pretended as if I was not sick, started and played the best game of my life.  I had won my starting spot on the team and played in every game after that.  Playing did have it’s consequences; however, I was sick for the next two weeks due to showing up at practices and running excessively and then coming home and vomiting all night, just to go back and do it again.  But, I accomplished my goal to become a starting player.

So, maybe this sickness is really Angels who have decided to alter my direction.  Instead of training right away, maybe they are telling me to research training first so that way I do it succesfully.  That must be it.  Surely, Angels would want me to be properly prepared.  So, that is it, I will wait til my illness subsides and in the mean time I will research what it takes to effectively train for an Ironman.

Angels vs. Demons – this round goes to the Angels . . . or perhaps it’s just that neither of them particularly like to run.

But seriously, why do we always get sick when we seem to want to be sick the least?

Dec 062010

RockyWell day one and I already find myself searching for energy to start my training. So I thought to myself, those Amish seem like motivated folks. How would the Amish research ways to get motivated to exercise? Like anyone else they would google it, right?

So after googleing away 30 mins of good potential working out time I realized the generetic, you will feel better or burn calories just won’t work for me. So I decided I would list some of the reasons that make me want to run that aren’t so generic:

  1. I want to support my brother
  2. I currently am in the midst of 50 lbs weight loss challenge (I am half way)
  3. I get to be alone with my thoughts (usually this means not having any thoughts)

What are some of the things that help to motivate you when you are trying to workout?

I guess for the purposes of reaching my goal of running a marathon it really doesn’t matter why or how I get motivated, it just matters that I do something………….30 mins of good hard rowing and I feel good and 500 calaries burned (go figure).