Jun 072011

@OrgasmicChef called us buggers!  The nerve!!!  Wait, what the heck is a “bugger?” 

Since starting this website, we have learned so much.  We have learned about the “Farmer’s Blow,” “Going Gluten Free,” “The Post Race Blues and the “Chamois” (all of which you can find here, http://runningbrothers.com/category/new-vocabulary/

Now, I have heard Australian’s or New Zealander’s say “bugger” before, but I never really knew what it meant.  So, after calling us “buggers,” which I considered an offensive term, @OrgasmicChef sent us this video explaining the word.

After watching the video, I still have no idea what it means.  I think we were called jerks . . . What do you think?

Jan 152011

Throughout this process of running, and blogging, I knew that I was going to come across new things that I had never encountered before.  In my interview with Mitch Roberts, I came across a new term that was previously unfamiliar to me . . . The Farmers Blow.

In all honesty, I have used this technique before, but did not know that it had a specific name.

If you are unfamiliar, here is a picture . . .

David Beckham Farmers Blow

Yes, Farmers Blow . . . disgusting.  The term refers to plugging up one nostril and blowing out mucus through the other.   Sorry if you planned on eating before reading this, but I had to share my newfound knowledge with you.