Dec 122011

Well, it looks like my running will be on hiatus for a while.  I had every intention of properly preparing for the L.A. Marathon, but it’s not going to happen because I’ve got too much on my plate.  I’m hoping to expand my business, Welborn Social Media and in order to do so, I am going to need to put all my attention and focus towards that endeavor.  This has been a great year for The Running Brothers, but I think I’m going to hang up my running shoes for the year and focus on work.

Another big event is happening in my life in the upcoming weeks as well as I will be getting my own apartment . . . my first time ever living on my own.  It’s really exciting, but also a little intimidating and overwhelming, but I’m sure I’ll get through it.  If you don’t hear from us for a while it’s because business and life is keeping me busy, but my brother and I hope to be back at it in the near future.

To our heroes . . . Thank you for following us this past year.  It has been an amazing ride and I know we will have a lot more adventures to share with you in the future. 

Thanks again for all your support.

Dec 052011

My training regimen called for 3 miles on Tuesday, 5 miles on Wednesday, 3 miles on Thursday and 6 miles on Saturday and I ran 3 miles on Monday and that was all the running I did for the week.

I’m not going to bore you with all the excuses I could come up with, but my two businesses are keeping me very busy and I’m finding it difficult to find time to fit my running in.  I know I need to make running somehting that I can’t slide on, but I do have many other priorities and things I’m trying to accomplish and running gets put on the side-burner . . . Hopefully my Running Brother can help keep me motivated.