Jul 042011

My brother and I are separated on the birthday of this great nation, but that didn’t stop us from having an amazing time.  My girlfriend, Cindy and I are heading out to Huntington Beach to hang out with some old friends that I have been fortunate to reconnect with, Ryan and Tami Bertka.  We took one of our heroes, Mike Nunez with us and plan on barbecuing and watching fireworks at the pier off of Main Street in Huntington Beach. 

Rocky went with his girlfriend (sorry ladies, he’s taken) out to Santa Clarita to spend time with friends in that part of the world and I’m sure he’s having a great time. 

Mostly, we want to wish you all a very Happy 4th of July and we hope you have a safe, wonderful and memorable day.

Jul 022011

A week and a half ago I posted that I was going to do 30 sprint triathlons for 30 days in a row . . . well, I didn’t manage to do that either, but I am starting that program today . . . I just don’t think I will be doing 30 in 30 days.  I think I’m going to make it 15 Sprint Triathlons in 19 days since our Sprint Triathlon will be on the the 24th and I can account for some rest time in between.  I have a feeling the my times will be extremely slow at the start since I haven’t been training.

You caught me in another lie . . . You must be proud of yourself.  Follow along to find out how I do on my 15 Sprint Triathlon in 19 days challenge.

Jul 012011

Dear Heroes,

Let me start off by thanking you for following us for the past 6 months.  As you know, we have been posting content daily to our website.  Now that our work and training commitments have kept both of us very busy we are going to cut down on our posts.  We will still post daily, but we will only post written articles 3 days a week.  The rest of the days will be filled with pictures of The Running Brothers in action. 

We understand if you feeling distraught at the thought of no longer hearing about our adventures daily, but do not dispair.  Our pictures will help to bring a smile to your face and our articles will now be more interesting as we will have more time to devote to them.  We know what you’re thinking . . . “But your articles are always interesting . . . How can we possibly go on without hearing of your adventures.”  To that we say, you are our hero . . . so, act like one and quit your whining. 

Thank you for following us to this point . . . our adventures will only get wilder in the months to come.